Proto Persona Integration Starter Kit


Welcome to the Proto Persona Integration Starter Kit! This project demonstrates how to integrate Proto's holographic personas with a custom user interface (client) and a backend API that utilizes AWS Bedrock/OpenAI or easily swap your own for hosting a custom large language model (LLM).

Code Download

Bedrock and Open AI integration w/ Image Recognition:


The starter kit is composed of two main components:

  1. Client:

    • Built with Next.js, this application loads a Proto Persona in a fullscreen iframe.

    • It enables the addition of custom UI elements such as overlays, menus, and navigation while integrating Proto Persona.

  2. Server:

    • A Node.js server that showcases how to make API calls to Amazon Bedrock, Open AI or the LLM of your chosing.

    • It allows hosting a custom LLM to power your Proto Persona's conversational capabilities.

Project Structure

  • client_proto_persona_starter: Contains the client-side code.

    • src/

    • public/

    • package.json


  • server_proto_persona_starter: Contains the server-side code.

    • server.js

    • package.json


Initial Setup

For detailed setup instructions, refer to the README files in the respective directories: client_proto_persona_starter/ and server_proto_persona_starter/

Custom LLM Integration

Initially, your Proto Persona will be connected to a sample LLM hosted on our servers. To switch to your own LLM:

  1. Test your system prompts on the Bedrock/OpenAI Playground to ensure they work as expected. You can provide me system prompts in the meantime for demonstration purposes.

  2. Host your LLM on a publicly accessible URL.

  3. Provide the LLM URL to Nolan at

Once your LLM is set up and accessible, Nolan will update the configuration to connect your Proto Persona ID to your custom LLM, giving you full control over the conversational behavior.


We welcome contributions to improve this starter kit.